Friday, July 21, 2006

went to eat zhen fa today. had loads of fun and laughter. so bloated right nw. haha. anyway i really dunno who put your wallet into my bag miki. i swear i didnt. haha. u're really joke of the day man.

recalling e past..10:41:00 PM

Thursday, July 20, 2006

din go for my tut. sorry boss. i wasnt there to support u and your group. was too tired. slept at 4 yesterday. was rather pissed with tis bastard. kindda wierd someone. though i dun really dun like to use vulgarities on other ppl but tis time who cares.

fuck that bloody person.

hmmm.. but heard that rui er had a scary encounter. she met a flasher in AMK library.


he put a cushion on his lap, took out his dong and still cont to read his magazine, shaking his leg at the same time(that's wad i was told)

totally disgusting la.

why cant they just go places thats more appropriate for them to show whatever thats down there?? dammit. despise tis beast. respect shud not be shown to them since they dun respect themselves and the ppl ard them. how desperate can they be. err... *shudders*

recalling e past..7:42:00 PM

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

darn. wanted to blog yesterday but cant get my big fat arse up to walk up to the com and switch it on.. haha.. lasy? no. not lasy. i dun bother.

feeling real bad when i really wanna give up everything. giving that "dun bother" attitude. i dun wanna care but can i? just wanna make things "not my business" kinda thing. some things i just cant get off my mind no matter how i hard i try. keep telling myself to shrug it off, it's not u, it's not anyone. its not working, not helping at all. shit.

coming to the main point. was spending my whole afternoon reading tis book titled:'RICH DAD POOR DAD.' nice actually. its all bout financial literacy. its a good book but can be kinda profound. i spend the afternoon figuring out. ppl try reading it and u will kind of get a picture of why some ppl are so bloody rich and why some ppl dun though they earn almost the same. sorry. its me thinking of money again. who doesnt? den there is tis phrase i like, it goes like tis:

broke is temporary, poor is eternal.

get it?? haha.. thats why i say it's very profound. but think bout it. its really meaningful. like instead of saying 'i cant afford it'.. why not put it tis way.. 'how or wad can i do to make it mine?' haha.. its really easy said den done. nevertheless.. im trying..

recalling e past..11:07:00 AM

Saturday, July 15, 2006

okie now. found one article i wanna share with u ppl. quite interesting i thot. here it goes:
shud u be find something on your dinner plate that doesnt appeal to u,
dont complain.
there are ppl who dont have anything on their plate.
shud u find yourself stuck in traffic, dont despair.
there are ppl in tis worl for whom driving is unheard of privilege.
shud u have a bad day at work,
think of the man who has been out of job for years.
shud you despair over a reltionship that has gone bad,
think of the person who has never noe wad it's like to love and be loved.
shud u grieve the passing of another weekend,
think of the woman in dire straits,
working 12hrs a day, 7days a week to feed her children.
shud your car break down, leaving you miles away frm assistance,
think of the paraplegic who would love the opportunity to take that walk.
shud u notice a new grey hair in the mirror,
think of cancer patient in chemo who wishes she had hair to examine.
shud u find yourself at a loss and pondering wad is life all about,
asking what is my purpose?
BE THANKFUL! there are those who didnt live long enough to get the opportunity.
shud you find yourself the victim of other's bitterness,
igonorance, smallness or insecurities,
remember, things could be worse. you could be them!

recalling e past..1:29:00 AM

Friday, July 14, 2006

It has been so long since we have talked
I hope that things are still the same
Hoping they will never change

Cuz what we had can't be replaced
Don't let our memories fade away
Keep me in your heart for always

You made me believe
I could do almost anything
You stood right by me
Through the tears through everything

I'll Remember You
And baby that's forever true
You're the one that I'll always miss
Never thought it would feel like this
I'll be there for you
No matter what you're going through
In my heart you'll always be
Forever baby I'll Remember You


I promise you I won't forget the times we shared
The tears we cried
You'll always be the sun in my sky

It may be fate that brings us back
To meet again someday
Even though we go seperate ways

You made me believe
I could do almost anything
You stood right by me
Through the tears through everything

I'll Remember You
And baby that's forever true
You're the one that I'll always miss
Never thought it would feel like this
I'll be there for you
No matter what you're going through
In my heart you'll always be
Forever baby I'll Remember You

If the day should come when you need someone
You know that I'll follow
I will be there
Don't ever let there be a doubt in your mind
Cuz I'll Remember You

I'll Remember You
And baby that's forever true
You're the one that I'll always miss
Never thought it would feel like this
I'll be there for you
No matter what you're going through
In my heart you'll always be
Forever baby I'll Remember You

Forever baby I'll Remember You

tis song is by No Secrets. so nice. i wanna dedicate tis songs to all my frens out there. for anything jus happen to me or wadever. wad i wanna tell u ppl is in tis song. haha. so saddist hor. haha.. anyway tis just for in case only. think im just being to bored being in school doing nth and my thots are drifting far far away.

dun worry my dear frens.. i wil cherish my life de la.

like wad rui-er always do : to look on the bright side of everything.

and miki, dun worry.. i will be fine. haha. u like so worried for me cus u say im not myself recently. like so emotional.. so gan shang. think u think too much. u also must stop have negative thots le la.. u noe u got a great impact on me. dun influence me le. nw u gotta keep thinking that 'wo shi zui xin fu de' alrite??

recalling e past..2:30:00 PM

Thursday, July 13, 2006

hmm.. so long since i last updated. and today is a special day for my special someone..

my elder bro's birthday!!


but poor thing.. he's in camp nw. cnt take leave to celebrate his birthday. and was too poor nw to buy him present tis yr so decided to buy his something 'big' on his 21th. anyway wish him luck in everything he do.

hmmm... feeling kindda sad.. tml will mark the end of our "slacking grp". no more smoking, no more last min work etc. i will miss the time when we rush for our projects, still playing a fool although we noe there's not much time left to our presentation so on and so forth. MIKI, SUSU, RUI-ER, BIN and AHBOY.. hope we still can be tgt after the reshuffling. sob~ miss u guys. lets pray hard for our last presentation tgt.. hurhur.. *sniff*

recalling e past..12:28:00 AM

Saturday, July 01, 2006

okie.. date went off smoothly.. oh ya.. haven introduce my date.. he's short, thin and weak! hahaha.. he's....

yes... he's LTR.. haha.. we went dating at e national stadium.. haha.. first time attending SYF. woo~ cool man.. look at those display bands.. tanjong katong, deyi ang bowen.. make me miss band so much.. and inspired my date to join band also cus he wants to be the one holding the mace. some pics taken of the band to huei wei..

looking at the contingent for his sis...

malaysia band..

eh... forgot which sch band liao.. isit.. tanjong katong, deyi or bowen????

recalling e past..10:54:00 PM

about lynnie

student nurse
oct 10
a dreamer
a good listener
a lasy bum
a pain in the arse

since im suppose to wish...i want.. =))

1)a nice car.
2)a licence to drive
3)to bungee jump
4)a life at ease

speak up =))

linkays *.

[x] MIKI [x] JO

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